Inside the mind of Rahul Gandhi: How his utopian politics is acting as best insurance policy for ruling BJP

Inside the mind of Rahul Gandhi: How his utopian politics is acting as best insurance policy for ruling BJP
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi continued to be an unconventional politician and its address with a thanks movement on February 2, 2022 in the testimony of Lok Sabha.
The parliamentary forum for each opposition is a great opportunity to bite and destroy the government. The legendary opposition leaders such as Hiren Mukherjee, Bhupesh Gupta, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Banerjee, Madhu Limaye, Madhu Dandvate, Chandrashekhar, are superior in encouraging the main ministers of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira and Rajiv Gandhi by increasing relevant problems politically.
Rahul, instead, choosing a much wider canvas rather than focusing on portal skills on the upcoming assembly polls Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur. It is an open secret that Rahul’s political authority, in the congress and outside, underestimated due to election failure. Congress’s victory in Punjab and Uttrakhand is very important for the Trio Gandhi – Sonia, Priyanka and Rahul.
The theoretical premise of two Indias, India is the unification of the country and Prime Minister Narendra Modi from diplomatic failures resulting from the consolidation of Nexus China-Pakistan, Pegasus lurking, etc., achieving the goal of Rahul to show off these problems. But the term elections, many in the congress believed, failed to increase the share of votes in any bound of poll. The headlines of the next newspaper provide a lot of evidence. Rahul’s statement relating to railroad agitation, work, unemployment, secularism, etc. Hilt and some might argue, for their advantage.
Pegasus Spying is certainly close to Hati Rahul. But sensitive problems have not found much attraction between the masses. There are also very few counterarguments, if they are not nervous about spies, it continues before the Supreme Court panel in Pegasus. In fact, the most harmed individual has not sent their cellphones to supervise or in the help of the probe.
I argued in some pieces how Rahul did not like himself as an electric player but as a trustee, like his mother, Sonia. However, unlike Sonia, he expects most of his party colleagues to avoid trap of power and office. These expectations resulted in vain and exodus from some of his closest colleagues to other political parties, especially the BJP which was opposed by ideologically. Rahul doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand that political loyalty is very transactional.
Pragmatism is in short supply in the present-day Congress.
Rahul, who served as President of 87 from AICC between December 2017 and May 2019, could not decide on party leadership issues, the need to present the face in the State Assembly poll or back-to-basics approach to revive the great old party. The constitutional constitution stipulates that AICC sessions are held every six months or at least once a year. But the last AICC session held was the way back in March 2018. The talk points articulated by Rahul inside and outside parliament did not have a top-up approach. There is no debate or internal discussion, which allows party leaders who are not satisfied to take extreme positions and often plot performances. Overall, the average congress is happy to be unhappy.
Rahul’s economic and political thinking seems greatly influenced by the left-center, often coloring his political assessment and placing party leaders with him. In 2010, Rahul had spoken with the Cambridge campus paper varsity which described himself as “economist”. The Merrow Gold and Ashleigh Lamming interviewer was quoted by the biography of Rahul Aarthi Ramachandran said, “He [Rahul] tends to talk about things that use economic language; he talks about affirmative actions as a ‘offer and request’ problem, and … talking about The teacher no longer has a ‘monopoly’ for information, but is one of the many sources. “During the interview, Rahul, who had done M.Phil in the development economy, said that he did not agree with many of what he taught in Cambridge. “I’m a lot less left wing now than me, for one thing.”
Rahul’s left leanings are also often associated with his close advisor, some come from JNU and have AISA left background. But the unacception of his vision was evident from the recent CPM statement, actually the draft resolution for the 23rd Congress to come in Kannur in April in April. About LED Rahul Congress, CPM structural response observed, “The political influence and strength of the Congress organization has declined and the ‘weakened’ party cannot collect all secular opposition parties.”
Significantly, the design of the resolution released by Sitaram Yechury’s CPM Secretary General also stated that Congress faced a series of crises with defection of several leaders to various states. About secularism, Yechury read out of a resolution that said, “While it declares secularism, cannot effectively install the ideological challenges for the Hindutva forces and often adopt a compromise approach. Congress that weakens cannot collect all secular opposition parties.”
In the context of 2024 parliamentary polls, the inability of CPM to support Congress for the handle is indicative of how many non-NDA parties, especially AAP and TMC, will act after-10 March 2022. The division among the rankings of opposition and utopian politics Rahul acts as the best insurance policy For BJP-Nda in power.