Opinion: PM-ji Since You Are So Obsessed With Nehru, Consider This

Opinion: PM-ji Since You Are So Obsessed With Nehru, Consider This
Like the protocol, Indian Prime Minister answered the Thank you movement in both parliamentary houses; However, his speech did not look like Indian PM but more as a party’s political leader who was worried about the results of the upcoming assembly election. The Prime Minister not only reduced the opportunity with political speech but missed the opportunity to share with his vision country to make future years truly “Amrut Kaal”, given the period of this uncertainty, increasing unemployment and price increases seemed more like “Rahu Kaal “.
This year, 99 amendments were transferred to the President’s address, highlighting the core problems such as large unemployment, spying and violations of fundamental rights, communal disharmony, etc. Which has no features in his speech. Unfortunately, the prime minister failed to overcome the amendment and fears from fellow members of parliamentarians and citizens. Prime Minister spoke more about the misfortune of the opposition party and the first Indian Prime Minister more than those in the country. He forgot that it was an Indian who chose Pandit Nehru to lead the country for 16+ years at the time of uncertainty and showed his faith to lead a new independent country to restore Indian glory. His words are not a reflection of what is meant by Pandit Nehru, but more than what Shri Modi has reduced.
Because our prime minister quoted Pandit Nehru more than other relevant problems during his speech, I wanted to quote a portion of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech on November 15, 1950 who said “President’s address, if I could say it, not modeled, not modeled by the presidential address of the United States . It should be a brief statement that shows Indian public relations with the world, and the work we have to do. In general, not controversial documents, except for the fact that government policy might be controversial. This is a short document, certainly not a comprehensive document. “
Like the protocol, Indian Prime Minister answered the Thank you movement in both parliamentary houses; However, his speech did not look like Indian PM but more as a party’s political leader who was worried about the results of the upcoming assembly election. The Prime Minister not only reduced the opportunity with political speech but missed the opportunity to share with his vision country to make future years truly “Amrut Kaal”, given the period of this uncertainty, increasing unemployment and price increases seemed more like “Rahu Kaal “.
This year, 99 amendments were transferred to the President’s address, highlighting the core problems such as large unemployment, spying and violations of fundamental rights, communal disharmony, etc. Which has no features in his speech. Unfortunately, the prime minister failed to overcome the amendment and fears from fellow members of parliamentarians and citizens. Prime Minister spoke more about the misfortune of the opposition party and the first Indian Prime Minister more than those in the country. He forgot that it was an Indian who chose Pandit Nehru to lead the country for 16+ years at the time of uncertainty and showed his faith to lead a new independent country to restore Indian glory. His words are not a reflection of what is meant by Pandit Nehru, but more than what Shri Modi has reduced.
Because our prime minister quoted Pandit Nehru more than other relevant problems during his speech, I wanted to quote a portion of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech on November 15, 1950 who said “President’s address, if I could say it, not modeled, not modeled by the presidential address of the United States . It should be a brief statement that shows Indian public relations with the world, and the work we have to do. In general, not controversial documents, except for the fact that government policy might be controversial. This is a short document, certainly not a comprehensive document. “
If we compare this with the current address, we will realize how the competence and intelligence of the discussion have deteriorated and how the government has used the president’s address to continue their propaganda. There are times when debates and dignified discussions. There are mutual respect and understanding. However, the current level of involvement does not represent constitutional values and parliamentary institutions.
The parliamentary address is used as a tool for attacking the opposition for the election advantage, while the problems and problems of ordinary people are being lined up continuously. Big promises are being made but there is no accountability and responsibility for the Government section. The prime minister is of course free to say what he wants, but people will definitely ask for how long he will use ‘Pichle 70 Saal Kya’ ‘to deflect from the current challenge.
The Prime Minister said, “During the first wave of Covid-19, migrants were triggered to travel when experts asked everyone to stay where they were. When people follow locking, guidelines suggest that people live where they are, the government The state, the government gave free tickets to migrant workers to leave Mumbai. As a result, Covid-19 spread quickly in Punjab, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh. “How unreal can be the Prime Minister and how far is the reality of his own reality? Hatred for Maharashtra and the people are very palpable so surprising! That his words far from the truth are already famous.
This country does not forget how this government gives notice only four hours before the national lock. The train stops, travels between countries stops, and live almost stops. Migrants, especially daily wage workers, are left stranded during difficult times. The Maharashtra government keeps them and gives them food and him