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What does Waifu Meaning and origin of the term

Waifu Meaning

Waifu Meaning

what does waifu mean?

Waifu is a term that refers to fictional characters, often in anime or manga, that someone is interested or has pleasant and romantic affection.

The literal meaning of this phrase comes from the Katakana phrase (Japanese, which is used to describe the English phrase) the phrase for “couples”.

This term is common among the fandom manga/anime and videos.

Origin of the term

Because it has been discussed, this phrase comes as a loan and rendering English from the English phrase “couple”.

The term in Japanese again comes from a minimum of eighties, when most likely some young Japanese people may have adopted English phrases, as a result of the limited phrase gender in Japanese, the “Kanai” place is actually “in the house”.

In the early 2000s, “Waifu” developed special meanings in anime and in different related media in English-speaking countries.

Unfold of the term

Anime followers began to take advantage of the term “waifu” as a slang to refer to the personality they actually like, which they like significantly.

The earliest entry identified for the use of this term in the city dictionary was written in 2007, and there is even evidence that this term is again in the sense of anime until 2006.

This expression also opened an anime fandom exterior, then in video games videos, films and even in the TV character of live-action action might be called “waifu”.

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